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Collection inflated?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:40 am
by Prominis
I just looked at my collection, and it's dumped roughly 200k estimated plat value of cards in since I last checked.

I now apparently have a playset of legendaries added onto every one I previously owned. I have twice that for Leeching Burrower for some reason, and even more for some of the commons.

I'm guessing this is a result of the PvE 200 cards, but this is... odd.

Edit: I just realized it multiplied everything I had by five. That 'extra playset' was me having one of a legendary (they're expensive) and it being multiplied into 5. It explains the Leeching Burrowers, since I have 2, and it displays 10. Cards I had a full playset of before are now registering as 20. So on and so forth.

Re: Collection inflated?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:52 am
by bogycoins
I checked the logs and saw some updates with a lot of cards, which might caused that multiplication. Not sure why the API was sending that.
However, everytime you login, the collection is reset and synced. I saw your last full sync happened a few hours ago, this should have fixed your problem.