Block Monster Control hunter

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Block Monster Control hunter

Unread post by artofscott » Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:36 am

Block hunter. Try to control early and get a yertle or ubersec. ubersec and hunters focus = mad opponent. Bow is just for the surprise element. turn four what? something to screw with you.


Ally (30)
Commander Ulthok x3
Gnash x2
Harpy Matriarch x3
Jadefire Felsworn x3
Neferset Shadowstalker x3
Pygmy Pyramid x4
Siamat, Lord of the South Wind x1
Thrug the Hurler x2
Uberserc x3
Vylokx x2
Yertle x4

Ability (19)
Bestial Revival x3
Fear and Loathing x3
Hunter's Focus x3
Master's Embrace x3
Obliterating Trap x4
Quick Trap x3

Equipment (21)
Bottled Spite x4
Breathstone-Infused Longbow x4

Location (4)
Shadowfang Keep x4

Total cards: 61
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