rush to 6

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Joined:Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:30 am
rush to 6

Unread post by s3lfinflict3d » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:14 am

play resource first 3 turns for sure, then only play face-upT1: delve/draw gladespring or windbreeze, maybe palominoT2: play the drawn cardT3: if T2 gladespring/palomino -> 2x gladespring/palomino if T2 windbreeze -> lifewarden+4th resource if longbow in hand -> longbow if T2 windbreeze -> remulosT4: play biggest baddest card in hand
T5: ???
T6: win

Master Sniper Simon McKey

Master Hero (1)
Cenarius, Lord of the Forest x1

Ally (35)
Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage x1
Azgalor the Pit Lord x1
Bigbelly, Furbolg Chieftain x2
Chromie x4
Davius, Herald of Nature x2
Earthseer Dambrak x4
Emerald Lifewarden x3
Eranikus x1
Korialstrasz x1
Loque x1
Nefarian x1
Remulos, Son of Cenarius x1
Shandris Feathermoon x1
Soridormi x1
Swift Palomino x1
Tarwila Gladespring x4
Tharal Wildbreeze x4
Wolpertinger x2

Ability (11)
Bear Trap x4
Diplomacy x2
Eagle Sight x4
Track Enemy x1

Equipment (127)
Breathstone-Infused Longbow x4

Quest (16)
A Hero's Burden x1
Concerted Efforts x1
It's a Secret to Everybody x1
Leader of the Bloodscale x2
Natural Remedies x4
Seeds of Their Demise x4
The Path to the Dragon Soul x1
Uncatalogued Species x1
What's Wrong at Cenarion Thicket? x1

Location (1)
Shadowfang Keep x1

Total cards: 68
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