First deck I built I got the alliance pally starter deck and I am trying to improve it!
Auralyn the Light of Dawn
Master Hero (1)
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder x1
Ally (19)
Alador Stonebrew x1
Andiss Butcherson x3
Apprentice Teep x2
Azure Drake x1
Gerana Sparkfist x2
Guardian of Ancient Kings x1
Jeniva Prescott x3
Terina Calin x2
Trixie Boltclunker x2
Tyrus Lionheart x2
Ability (32)
Blessing of Might x4
Blessing of the Light x2
Censure x3
Favor of the Light x3
Hammer of Justice x2
Hammer of Retribution x4
Hammer of the Zealot x1
Hand of Protection x4
Holy Light x2
Inquisition x4
Seal of Wrath x1
Stasis x1
Wrath of Turalyon x1
Equipment (8)
Angry Dread x1
Bottled Light x1
Citadel Enforcer's Claymore x2
Dawnblaze Blade x1
Downfall Hammer x1
Edgemaster's Handguards x1
Golem Skull Helm x1
Total cards: 60