Searching for Quick Troops?
I recently acquired Sylviana, and was looking to see what quick troops were out there. However, when I went to the keyword filter for quick and troop, the search only came up with a total of 7 cards. Is there a way to view all troops that are quick? Also I was wondering, there are quite a few equipment out there that enable the card to be become quick such as the trinket for Buccaneer. Is there a way to search for those cards as well?
Re: Searching for Quick Troops?
The Quick filter from Keywords only looks for cards that contains Quick in the text box. For your need, you should use the Quick Troop filter from Types. As for equipment that transform troops into quick troops you could use this search text "become quick troop".
Re: Searching for Quick Troops?
Ah, thank you very much for the reply not sure how I didn't see the quick troop option under types, but this is exactly what I needed.