Wordpress and Joomla card tooltips

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Wordpress and Joomla card tooltips

Unread post by bogycoins » Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:22 am


I'm happy to announce that I finished working on a Wordpress plugin that allows card images to be displayed on mouseover.

There are actually two plugins, one for WoW and one for Hex. You can get them from the Wordpress plugin site:

WoW TCGBrowser Card Tooltip for Wordpress
Hex TCGBrowser Card Tooltip for Wordpress

Joomla (2.5) plugins are also available for download here:
WoW TCGBrowser Card Tooltip for Joomla
Hex TCGBrowser Card Tooltip for Joomla

Inside the zip files there is a readme.txt that explains how to install it.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.
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